Bouônjour! Sai l'beinv'nu ichîn - mais ch'est qu'l'Angliais est pustôt du Nouormand tch'est êcrit d'travèrs ;-) Man vyi 16:50, 22 April 2006 (UTC)

Boujouo et byinvenûn.

És syins qùi prêchent, je souhaite la byinvenûn sur la viqùipédie ès Normaunds, qu’ouos siyiz de Jerri, de Gùernesey, d’eune âote île ou byin du countinent (Cotentin, Bessin, Pais d'âoge, ou jé ne sais). No prêche le normaund ainchin coume ichin, mais que cha seit brin aisi, parfeis, de s’entenre.

Byinvenûn et bouone pêque sus chutte mé, à la retrache d’histouères et d’agobiles en laungue normaunde.

Merlicoqùet, 21:06, le 22 d’avri 2006 (HDP).

As you can see, Norman isn't exactly "French spelt badly". Here on the Wikipedia, you'll find primarily two (standardized) dialects of Norman—Jèrriais (from Jersey) and Cotentinais (from the Cotentin Penninsula). Man vyi and I are Jèrriais-speakers, while Merlicoqùet speaks Cotentinais. If you'd like to learn Norman, there are many materials available in print, online, and in other formats (multimedia, for example) in both French and English. Music is available in the language, and Jersey is currently developing a GCSE program for Jèrriais. If you have any questions about Norman feel free to ask! (Man vyi and I speak English fluently. Merlicoqùet speaks French fluently). Lé C'valyi d'Jade 20:00, 22 April 2006 (UTC)

Your account will be renamed amendaer

04:22, 18 de mâr 2015 (UTC)

Renamed amendaer

04:41, 17 d'avri 2015 (UTC)